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The Ozaukee Interurban Trail Advisory Council

Mission Statement

To promote and facilitate safe public use of the Ozaukee Interurban Trail for transportation, recreation, health, education, economic development, and enjoyment of Ozaukee County's cultural, historic, and natural resources.

Advisory Council Officers

Chairman: Andrew Struck, Ozaukee County Planning and Parks Director

Vice Chair:  Al Krier, Port Washington State Bank in Fredonia

Secretary:  Yvonne Bishop, Ozaukee County Economic Development Corporation

Rules and Ordinance Development Committee

Members: Terry Money, Bill Knight, Brian Glocke, Dan Ziegler, and Andrew Struck


Statement: Develop and update the general Trail rules and work with County staff, municipal staff, Parks Commission, and corporate council on updating the County ordinance that governs the Trail.  Work with the individual municipalities to standardize rules and ordinances on the Trail and find ways to inform users regarding the variances between municipalities. Work with the Park Commission to develop, update, and promote the rules of the Trail, specifically for group use of the Trail for special events.  Address, with appropriate jurisdictions, enforcement issues along the Trail.



Sustainability Committee

Members:  Paul Roback, Kit Keller, Andrew Struck, Jason Dzwinel, Abbie Povletich, and Christine Nuernberg


Statement:  Continue to build upon the initial success of the Trail by developing a long-range plan and defining a shared "vision" for the Trail. This committee will have the primary responsibility for intergovernmental cooperation and multi-jurisdictional agreements, referring specific issues to the other committees (e.g. Trailside Facilities, Rules and Ordinance Development) as necessary.  This plan may consider the future growth, safety, and needs of the Trail as well as connecting the Trail to other existing trails within the County.  This committee will review, update, and make recommendations on the goals and objectives of the Ozaukee Interurban Trail Advisory Council.  The committee will also research, develop and work on fundraising, donations, and grant opportunities to sustain the maintenance, enhancement, and expansion of the Trail.



Trailside Facilities Committee

Members:  Lila Mueller, Ray Maurer, John Safstrom, Randy Tetzlaff, Don Curran, Bob Dreblow, John Ward, Jay Jansen, Andrew Struck, Helen Ward, Al Krier, Bill Tackes, Terry Mooney, and Ron Heinritz


Statement:  Develop a plan that defines a "vision" for a user friendly trail with convenient restroom facilities, car parking lots, bike parking stations, shelters, kiosks, water fountains, and way-finding signage. Develop standards and model designs for implementing Trailside Facilities.  Address issues regarding Trail maintenance, condition, construction, route changes, and watch mechanisms. Work with the municipalities, chambers, and tourism councils to identify, map, and promote the current resources along the Trail.  Work with the Trail Promotion Committee to update the map for the Trail.  In conjunction with local governments, the American Transmission Company, (ATC) and We Energies, review, approve, and locate all Trailside Facility projects.  Coordinate volunteer projects as they relate to Trailside Facilities.  Work with the Sustainability Committee to develop and apply for grants to garner resources to complete the vision.



Trail Promotion Committee

Members:  Mary Monday, Kristin Alexander, John Kuhnmuench, Linda Oakes, Paul Roback, Yvonne Bishop, Nancy Hundt, Andrew Struck, Bill Pence, Bill Knight, Randy Tetzlaff, Kathy Tank, and Ron Voigt


Statement:  Develop and implement a marketing plan to promote the Trail.  Determine the types and scope of public relation materials to be developed.  Design and publish materials.  Find funding mechanisms to underwrite promotional materials. Develop a distribution plan.  Develop and coordinate with County staff on public meetings and public relation events. Develop, maintain, and promote the Trail website.  Work with County staff to develop, revise, and maintain a Trail map. Coordinate volunteer projects as they relate to promotion, marketing, public relations, and the website.  Work with the Sustainability Committee to develop and apply for grants to garner resources to complete the vision.

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